Christmas calls for gifts and this time we recommend house plants. Here are some amazing options, you can send these to your friends and relatives and make them proud plant parents from your own nj bergen florist at fairlawn.
Christmas is all about coming together and cherishing what we have. A historical day that fills our hearts with warmth and faith. Christmas calls for gifts and this time we recommend house plants from a florist in lyndhurst nj. Here are some amazing options, you can send these to your friends and relatives and make them proud plant parents from your own nj bergen florist at fairlawn.
Looking fresh as ever, Amaryllis are a typical Christmas red, bright and happy. These grow one bud each on a somewhat thin stem. Their flowers have pointy petals and interestingly it's native to South Africa. That's not the only thing interesting about this flower, what the name means is also pretty cute to know. The name comes from a character in a work of an ancient Greek poet Virgil and it means to sparkle. These flowers grow from bulbs and if you are not a pro with plants, get an already bloomed plant during the season. If you take care of these which can be a little tricky then they will definitely bloom in the next season as well. These work great as a Christmas decoration which is eco friendly and sustainable.
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This one is not as tricky, literally a cactus. This plant blooms during the season and bears pink and magenta blooms. This does not necessarily need severely hot temperatures to foster, rather it likes
humid and bright places, so a kitchen would be a good place to have this plant. During summer make sure to give it a shady spot. The best way to water this plant is to go for self-watering, place this plant in a terracotta pot and put that in a dish full of water. It will absorb all the water it needs. Only water this plant when the top layers are dry. Make sure to give this baby a drainage hole so it's not over watered.
A soothing combination of white and green, paperwhites grow like tiny clusters over each stem. And have the most serene looking white shade with a hint of yellow in the middle. Surprisingly they belong to the family of Daffodils that's where you can draw a resemblance. These too grow from a bulb which is planted in the soil way before the winter season so they bloom in time. You can get this at lodi florist and one thing that can help the flowers bloom is to add a potion of 1 part alcohol with 7 parts water this will boost the growth of the flowers and speed up the process.
A classic red is back! One of the best Christmas houseplants you will find out there. Anthurium not just looks great but is unique and has an oddly pretty shape. It prefers a humid atmosphere so while this does great in winters it needs indirect bright sunlight and regular misting. These are great for gifting but don't forget to share the watering instructions which is to let the top layer of the soil to dry between watering. This is also called flamingo flower and can be ordered online along with christmas flowers delivery.
Always the number one for Christmas, poinsettias are these mini shrubs that look amazing in a pot. Get these from the Hackensack flower shop and celebrate Christmas with nature. Place your plant in full sun during winters and move it into indirect sunlight in the summery month. This plant is little on the delicate side so no harsh gusts of winds or over watering. Always make sure to check the dry top layer before watering.
With flower delivery fair lawn nj you can get these houseplants and more for your Christmas celebrations and gifts.
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